Changes (novel)

Author(s) Jim Butcher
Illustrator Christian McGrath
Country United States
Language English
Series The Dresden Files
Genre(s) Fantasy, Mystery novel
Publisher Roc Hardcover
Publication date April 6, 2010
Media type Print (Hardcover)
Pages 432
ISBN 045146317X
Preceded by Turn Coat
Followed by Ghost Story

Changes is the 12th book in The Dresden Files, Jim Butcher's continuing series about wizard detective Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Changes was released on April 6, 2010,[1] and debuted at #1 on the New York Times Hardcover Fiction Best Sellers list,[2] dropping to #3 in its second week on the list.[3]



Susan Rodriguez contacts Dresden to tell him they have a daughter, Margaret "Maggie" Angelica, who was born after their romantic interlude in Death Masks, and that she has been kidnapped by the Red Court. Susan and Martin attempt to retrieve digital information from the Red Court's Chicago office, which is the top floor of Dresden's own office building, and find Arianna Ortega is behind Maggie's kidnapping. While being attacked by a squad of Red Court enforcers, the office building explodes.

Dresden and his apprentice, Molly, go to the White Council's headquarters in Edinburgh for help. They find Duchess Arianna and newly-appointed Senior Council member Cristos giving speeches about peace. Dresden furiously demands that Arianna return the kidnapped girl. In front of a thousand wizards, Dresden challenges Arianna to a single combat under the Code Duello. Being granted diplomatic immunity and safe passage, she refuses, and Dresden storms out, and runs into The Merlin, who does not believe Arianna's words of peace, and vows to exterminate the entire Red Court. The Merlin wants the vampires to tip their hand, by attacking and exposing their vulnerabilities. If Dresden interferes with the Merlin's plan, he will kill Molly, who is still under the Doom of Damocles.

Dresden and Molly return to Chicago. Dresden goes home and asks Bob about the images Martin recovered from the Red Court office. Bob says they are ritual objects used for the sacrifice of an innocent. Murphy drops by to inform Dresden that he is about to be picked up by the FBI. Dresden flees with Bob, the two Swords of the Cross, and various suspicious materials out of his basement lab into Nevernever. Dresden buries Bob, the Swords and various materials in the Nevernever near his apartment, then returns to his lab and surrenders to the FBI, but is eventually released. Exiting the FBI building, Dresden is shot in a drive-by, but is protected by his magic. Dresden realizes the assassins were there for Rudolph, a Red Court patsy, to tie up the loose ends.

Dresden returns home, expecting to find his apartment trashed by the FBI. Instead, he finds Leanansidhe and an unconscious Susan and Martin. She has always been very protective of him—and yes, that is her giant centipede on the Nevernever side of his apartment protecting that Way. He has an epiphany and asks Leanansidhe if his mother had asked her to safeguard anything for him, at which gives Dresden his mother's legacy, a gem which fits into the center of his pentacle, and contains the totality of her knowledge of the Ways through the Nevernever; Dresden uses this gem to reach the storage center and perform recon. Rousing Susan and Martin, Dresden uses the gem to take the three of them to the Red Court's storage depot in the Nevada desert. During their raid, they find several Mayan ceremonial artifacts that were in transit to Mexico. Maggie is somewhere in Mexico, or will be there very soon.

Returning to Chicago, Dresden finds a letter from Anastasia—delivered in the event of her disappearance. It warns him not to go back to Edinburgh. About 40% of the senior wardens, his friend Ramirez included, have been either illegally-detained by Cristo, or like Anastasia, they have simply vanished. Dresden briefly contacts his mentor, Ebenezar. He warns Dresden about the turmoil within the White Council; and then, he refuses any assistance on behalf of the Grey Council. Dresden writes a message to the Archive, Ivy, asking for help. Kincaid, her bodyguard, phones Dresden and informs him that Ivy cannot help him directly, due to the forced limitations as a neutral entity, but after Harry threatens to turn to demonic aid she agrees to help by having Kincaid obliquely tell Dresden to contact Marcone; saying "the last man you want to see might have useful information".

Dresden meets with Johnnie Marcone, who directs Dresden to Ms. Gard, his supernatural consultant. Ms. Gard transports Dresden to her employer's headquarters in Norway, Monoc Securities. She introduces Dresden to the CEO, Donar Vadderung who has taken steps to procure as much information as possible due to his belief in being prepared; contrary to Harry's expectations Vadderung gives it to Dresden freely. The Red Court is going to use Maggie for a "bloodline curse" over the ley line conjunction at Chichén Itzá, which will kill every member of Maggie's blood relatives, including Dresden. After receiving a painful lesson on why he still isn't strong enough to face the Red King, Harry realizes that Vadderung is actually "retired god" Odin. Harry informs Martin and Susan about what he knows. They decide to have the Fellowship of Saint Giles stake out the site (as well as to track the movements of the mortal servitors employed by the Red Court) in order to determine when the ritual will be held. Dresden tells Thomas about Maggie and the bloodline curse, and because Thomas's life is at stake he agrees to help.

While staking out Rudolph's house for any activity, they run into the same Red Court hit squad from the office building explosion and a Mayan demon, Ik'k'uox, as well as Rudolph's handlers, the Eebs. Esteban and Esmerelda, a husband-wife team the Red Court uses for fieldwork, who are driven off by Mouse. Thomas is badly injured. Regenerating from his wounds awakens his Hunger and he almost goes after Molly; as a result Dresden kicks Thomas out of his apartment until he can control himself. Fleeing, The Eebs toss a Molotov cocktail from a passing car, and his apartment catches fire. Dresden breaks a window, so his cat, Mister, can escape. Dresden rescues his elderly landlady, Mrs. Spunkelcrief. While trying to rescue his second floor neighbors, Dresden falls from the ladder and fractures his spine on a brick planter. Sanya, the only active Knight of the Cross, appears at the right moment and saves the neighbors.

Paralyzed and taken to the church, Dresden, in desperation, first calls on Uriel. Uriel is unable to help but he does give Harry encouragement by telling him that yes Maggie is his child and telling him to do what he does for love. Harry then proceeds to thrice call the name of Mab, The Winter Queen of the Fae. In an out-of-body experience, Queen Mab brings Dresden to the Stone Table, and Dresden accepts Queen Mab's offer to become the new Winter Knight if he is allowed time to save Maggie and bring her to safety, as well as enough strength and knowledge to do so. Queen Mab agrees. She orders Dresden to kill Lloyd Slate, the traitorous Winter Knight (Summer Knight). The power of the Winter Knight flows from Lloyd into the Stone Table. The Winter Queen consummates their agreement. Keeping her word, Queen Mab orders Leanansidhe to aid Dresden in his final quest.

Upon waking, Dresden sees that Molly had called medical examiner Waldo Butters for medical help. Butters had restarted Dresden's heart. A hit-man bursts in and shoots Butters twice in the back. Forthill and Butters subdue the hit-man. Butters is only bruised, thanks to his Kevlar vest. Dresden has made a miraculous full recovery thanks to Queen Mab. The hit-man, Stevie, refuses to cooperate until Dresden threatens to give him to Marcone. Terrified, Stevie confesses that he was hired by a woman. The description matches Susan. But, Susan has disappeared. Dresden and Sanya track her down with help from Toot and the "Pizza Lord's Guard." Toot very unsubtly reveals that Queen Mab announced her new Winter Knight by reflecting the Stone Table consummation rite in all water bodies throughout the Nevernever.

Toot reports to Dresden that Susan is being held in the FBI building. Harry and Sanya meet up with Martin, who delivers bad news. The ritual is going to be held that night, around midnight (if their astronomer is correct) meaning that they have less than 12 hours left to stop Arianna. Dresden enters and finds Murphy speaking with Tilly. With Murphy vouching for his honesty, Dresden tells Agent Tilly the truth about the building explosion and the existence of vampires. Rudolph interrupts and orders Murphy off the Dresden-office-explosion case—or else, he'll have her badge! Then, the lights go out and they hear a vampire's hunting screech. Murphy leads Tilly and Rudolph to safety, while Dresden and Susan cause a distraction. They lure the vampires and the Ik through a portal into the Nevernever. They land in the feasting hall of the Erlking, the Lord of the Hunt (Dead Beat). Dresden takes advantage of the Erlking's verbal slip to obtain protection under the rules of hospitality. But, lying to one's host about their intentions in his realm negates the protections of hospitality. The Erlking orders a trial by combat. Dresden and Susan defeat a vampire and the Ik, thereby gaining their freedom. The Eebs and the Red Court vampires are whisked away to the torture chambers by the Erlking’s goblin horde. Back in the real world, they discover that 30 minutes with the Erlking was seven hours in Chicago. Harry fears that they are too late to save Maggie, but Susan points out that since the Red Court is using the stars to determine the time it may occur after midnight, giving Harry the strength to keep fighting. Then, Leanansidhe pulls up in a limo, loaded with all the magical items Dresden had stashed in Nevernever.

In typical Sidhe fashion, Leanansidhe plays word games and jibes at Dresden, while assisting him. She outfits Dresden and Susan with powerful magical armor. They arrive at the church to find Murphy, Thomas, Martin, Sanya, Molly and Mouse already armed and waiting. Dresden gives Murphy the sword Fidelacchius, the sword of Faith. Murphy declines, but Dresden convinces her to use it for the moment—for the sake of his daughter. He gives Amoracchius, the sword of Love, to Susan, telling her that love will allow her to wield it despite her vampiric half—which it does. Ebenezar contacts Dresden via a magic stone; though initially angered at Dresden he softens after learning that Harry is trying to save his child (as well as realizing that given the location, a place the Red's haven't used in almost 500 years, the ritual is far more important then he thought). He warns Dresden not to go near Edinburgh. Arianna had spread a disease there during her "peaceful" visit.

Using his mother's gem, Dresden opens a series of Ways to arrive at Chichén Itzá. But the jungle is so thick they cannot possibly arrive at the main temple before the sacrifice unless they use magic. Leanansidhe turns them into hounds and in mere minutes, they race through the dense jungle to the temple compound. Leanansidhe wants to keep them that way, but Mouse reveals that he's as intelligent as Dresden—and just as blunt—by threatening to literally rip off Leanansidhe's rear, if she does not comply. Nonplussed, Leanansidhe returns them to human form. Himself again, Dresden asks why Mouse never talked to him. Leanansidhe replies that Dresden never listened.

Time is running out for Maggie. A couple hundred preliminary sacrifices are being completed to build up vast amounts of energy needed to propel the curse, which will be released by Maggie’s death. After a few exhausting skirmishes, Dresden stands at the compound entrance and challenges Duchess Arianna to single combat under the Code Duello. Because the Red King wants Arianna dead (should she succeed in her attempt to wipe out the Dresden bloodline she will gain enough prestige to pose a threat to the Red King's throne) the Red King grants Harry an audience and they are able to hammer out a deal. Dresden will fight Duchess Arianna, here and now, and his daughter will not be harmed during the duel, thereby granting Maggie a reprieve. The Red King declares they will fight to the death, dueling with Power alone, no physical contact. Thanks to a combination of his new powers and Arianna's own inexperience with purely magical combat Dresden is able to triumph, killing Arianna. Harry demands that Maggie be set free, but the Red King, suddenly speaking perfect English, refuses to honor their agreement claiming that because he never spoke a word to Dresden—only his slave spoke, their bargain is void. He then orders Maggie's immediate death.

Susan, Sanya, and Murphy effectively wield the Swords of the Cross against the most ancient vampires, the Lords of the Outer Night. Murphy apparently becomes possessed by an Archangel, decrying the Red Court as murderers and blasphemers before shattering the Red King's hold on Harry and his friends. Crowned with a protective halo of light generated by Bob, Murphy plunges into the mob and slices through attackers with spectacular ease. She starts clearing a path toward the main temple, where Maggie is being held. Sanya and Susan follow with their swords dealing deadly damage. Molly conjures her signature One-Woman Rave; The senses of the Red Court vampires are overwhelmed and they fall back. Thomas simultaneously shoots and slashes away at the mob. Using the smooth moves one generally sees at a club or disco, Thomas kills many vampires, while Mouse and Martin also kill countless vampires. Leanansidhe tosses brutally destructive magic about, all the while laughing like she's a child playing in the park.

Dresden's group is badly outnumbered and beginning to tire. Leanansidhe uses a magic gem to open a dimensional rift. Ebenezar and the Grey Council emerge and enter the battle. One of the Grey Council opens a Way for an army of Kenku, bird people. The Kenku take the brunt of the Red Court's attack and clear Dresden a path to the main temple. Molly is shot by one of the Red King's mortal security guards. Thomas and Mouse stay behind to stop the bleeding and protect her. Dresden and the others fight their way up the steps of the main pyramid.

At the battle's climax, Dresden rushes into the Sacrificial Room to stop the ritual. Susan stops the sacrifice first by cutting off the Red King's hand (shattering the knife he was planning to use), then by using her Fae armor’s glamour and the light of Amoracchius, Susan tricks the Red King into thinking she is the manifestation of the Mayan elder god, Kukulcan. Martin betrays Susan, and strikes her down. Martin reveals that he is the Red King's spy in the Fellowship of St. Giles. He has lived longer than any other Fellowship operative, because the Red Court had orders not to kill him. Martin reveals that this ritual is not directed at Dresden, but at his grandfather, Ebenezar McCoy, the Blackstaff of the White Council. And, he admits that he betrayed Maggie's location and divulged her true parentage to Arianna. Enraged, Susan tears out Martin's throat. Drinking Martin's blood completes her transformation into a Red Court vampire. As Martin dies, he and Dresden soulgaze. Dresden learns that all of Martin's actions have been a 200-year-long con run the Red Court. Betraying Maggie to Arianna was Martin's way of ensuring that Dresden would confront the Red King and destroy the Red Court. Susan is now the youngest Red Court vampire, meaning that if she dies on the altar to the ritual knife she can destroy the red court forever. With the aid of the distraction and Lea's help Harry is able to break free from the prison generated by the Lords of the Outer Night, and overpowers the Red King by immoliating his eyes and breaking his arm. Unfortunately, the Red King's cry summons the rest of the Red Court to the sacrificial room. Still in the throes of transformation, Susan begs Dresden to save Maggie and do what is needed. Dresden carries Susan to the sacrificial altar. With the obsidian knife, Dresden kills Susan. The completed bloodline ritual releases a massive wave of curse energy, destroying every Red Court vampire in existence.

Exhausted and in shock, Dresden holds Maggie on the temple steps. Leanansidhe is sitting next to him, running interference. Dresden speaks briefly with Ebenezar, who explains how the Red Court must have found out about their family ties. Dresden hands Maggie to Murphy, telling her to give Maggie to Father Forthill. Maggie must disappear into the safest place possible—and Dresden cannot know where. Sanya tells Dresden that Molly is safe. She, Thomas, and Mouse had been airlifted to a US naval vessel for treatment, courtesy of Lara Raith. In a rare act of pure kindness, Leanansidhe promises to take care of Susan's remains. Dresden may even pay his respects to them, whenever he wishes. Sanya gives Dresden something Thomas left: the key to Thomas's boat, the Water Beetle. They leave Chichén Itzá through a lightning gate opened by Vadderung, also a member of the Grey Council, and return directly to Chicago.

Dresden is on the Water Beetle trying to recover. He showers and changes in preparation for a potentially romantic interlude with Karrin Murphy, who is depressed after learning her job as a police officer will be lost due to Rudolph's machinations. Going on deck, Dresden is shot and killed, falling over the boat's edge into Lake Michigan.

Summary of changes in Harry's life

  1. Susan Rodriguez reveals the last sexual tryst between her and Harry yielded a daughter Susan named Margaret.
  2. Mac makes a long speech to Harry regarding Harry's future and his path.
  3. Harry's office building is revealed to be owned by The Red Court of Vampires, that building is summarily destroyed by C-4.
  4. The White Council and a majority of the Wardens are either struck with a mysterious illness or arrested by Cristos.
  5. Harry receives his mother's (Margaret LaFey) collected knowledge of "The Ways."
  6. Several of Harry's friends shock him by revealing Molly has fallen in love with him.
  7. Harry's car, "The Blue Beetle," is crushed by "The Ick" into a ball with Thomas' car.
  8. Harry's oak staff (made from the same oak tree on McCoy's farm) is destroyed along with the Beetle.
  9. Harry's apartment and the entire boarding house where he lives is burned to the ground along with all his possessions.
  10. Harry accepts the Mantle of "Winter Knight" from Queen Mab to heal himself and save Maggie from the Red Court.
  11. Susan becomes a full Red Court Vampire when she murders Martin during his reveal of working for the Red King.
  12. Harry kills Susan as she completes her Red Court transformation enacting the blood curse and destroying the entire court.
  13. Murphy apparently loses her job due to Rudolph's continued political maneuvering.
  14. Harry is shot and dies at the end of the book.[4]

Plot points introduced

The White Council: Tensions increase in the White Council as Gregori Cristos garners more influence among the members. Cristos has had several members of the Wardens arrested, including Carlos Ramirez. In addition, about 40% of the Senior Wardens have gone missing including Captain Anastasia Luccio. A large portion of the Council has become sick with a mysterious illness, believed to have been spread by Arianna Ortega when she visits as an 'ambassador'. This includes Injun Joe, the Council's best healer. The Senior Council is backing away from Cristos, giving him room to hang himself.

The Grey Council: The Grey Council makes their first appearance outside of Harry and Ebenezar to help in the battle against the Red Court. Donar Vadderung, CEO of Monoc Securities, actually the Norse god Odin, is revealed to be a member.

Dresden's family: Harry has a daughter. Relations between Harry and Thomas have improved somewhat since Thomas decided to "Stop nibbling and start taking big bites" of his victims again. However this improvement is slight, as Dresden says before taking Thomas' help to save Maggie they have only spoken for minutes since the end of the prior novel.

Soulfire: Harry has a tough time controlling his use of Soulfire when in the heat of battle often drawing a significant amount and wearing himself down rapidly. However, he does use it frequently in combat conditions.

Winter Court of the Fae: The old Winter Knight Lloyd Slate dies at Harry's hands in the Valley of the Stone Table. Harry and Mab then went through the induction ceremony for Harry to become the Winter Knight on the condition that Harry could save his child first. Sanya the Knight of the Cross said, "You...tapped that ass. Presumably, it was phat," in regards to the ceremony when he learned Harry was the new Winter Knight (the ceremony is magical 'intercourse' on the Stone Table with Mab, though as Harry puts it, "You don't have sex with a thunderstorm"). Harry's fairy General Toot-toot can speak Russian.

Dresden's Mysterious Past: Dresden's mother is actually a McCoy and is Ebenezar's daughter, thus making Ebenezar Dresden's maternal grandfather. Margaret LeFay left a powerful gift with the Leanansidhe, a gem which fits into his pentacle, containing her extensive knowledge of all the methods to navigate the Ways. We also learn that the entity on the other side of the Nevernever from Harry's house is the Leanansidhe, and she has been protecting him from those who would try to attack him from the Nevernever for a very long time.

Dresden's Mysterious Future: Throughout the course of the book, Harry occasionally hears Cassius's voice saying "Die Alone." In reference to the curse he laid on Harry during the events of Dead Beat. At the end of the book a female's voice is heard telling the voice to "Hush now".

The Knights of the Cross: Michael Carpenter is still retired. Susan and Murphy became pro-tem members during the battle against the Reds. Harry offered Murphy the full-time position of wielding Fidelacchius once more, but she is undecided.

The War: No longer enjoying a lull. Harry's actions during the course of the battle against the Red Court ultimately resulted in the complete and utter destruction of every Red Court Vampire in existence. Half-vampires lost their half-vampire side and powers, becoming fully human again. As a result, every former half-vampire became their true age again, killing off many of the older half-vampires and withering many who had been alive for a long time but not long enough to expire in human years.

The Fellowship of St. Giles: The Fellowship and its support structure are supposedly almost completely wiped out by the Red Court due to Martin's treachery, but when the Red Court is annihilated it seems as if the reverse is true. In addition, the vampiric portions of the Fellowship's curse are wiped away, leaving the survivors whole and human; however, the survivors also aged accordingly. This means that anyone who had been a partial Red Court Vampire for more than their natural lifespan aged and died quickly after the ritual was completed.

The Blue Beetle: Harry's Volkswagen Beetle is apparently totally destroyed. Also, his home is completely destroyed by arson. Harry breaks his back escaping the fire; it is the "cure" for this injury that requires him to take up as the Winter Knight.

List of characters

Returning characters

Many major characters who have appeared in a Dresden Book have at least a cameo appearance here. Notable in their lack of appearance are the Alphas, Harry's werewolf friends. At the end of the previous novel, Harry explained things in full to their leader Billy, making it appear he would have a larger role in later novels. This list primarily notes characters who had an important role or changed as a result of this book.

New characters

Aftermath, Ghost Story and beyond

The story continues in Aftermath, told from Karrin Murphy's point of view and running from roughly forty five minutes after the end of Changes. The story was released as part of Side Jobs, an October 2010 anthology of Dresden short stories and focuses on Murphy's efforts following Dresden's apparent death.

Jim Butcher has already signed for a thirteenth Dresden novel, tentatively listed as Ghost Story on his official forums, and confirmed by Butcher at several signings (his publishers wouldn't let him call it the more prosaic Dead). He has also confirmed that Changes marks the midpoint of Harry's story and there will be at least 7 more books, possibly 10, to finish Harry's story. In addition, despite the previous books playing out in more or less real time, with the elapsed time between books approximately equaling the time between their release dates, Ghost Story has been confirmed as taking place immediately after the conclusion of Changes, though Butcher has also equated the immediate jump to Ghost Story as being akin to the Back to the Future series time jumps, implying that what seems to be happening within moments of the end of Changes may actually be happening over a much longer timespan.


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